I am finally teaching again. I have developed a new course that aims to help therapists, strength coaches, personal trainers and kinesiologists integrate pain science with biomechanics. Its very easy to critique the typical biomechanical approach to treating and preventing injuries and I think it often leaves people feeling frustrated and confused. Along with other great courses out there I am hoping to help people reconceptualize biomechanics (i.e. salvage the good) and show how it can fit into a framework that uses pain science in a true BioPsychoSocial approach.
You can see more at greglehman.ca
Within the next few days that webpage will be sharing my new Pain Science Workbook for Patients. I think its a great introduction to pain science and its meant to be used by the patient with the therapist.
I have upcoming Physiofundamental courses in Toronto, Argentina, Italy, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Israel and the UK.
I am also hopefully partnering up with a great mystery practitioner in US. Stay tuned for details.