Golf swing kinematics ebook. Implications for performance, training and injury

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Published on: January 26, 2021

A lot of my previous research (much unpublished) was on golf biomechanics and its the only sport that I am better than average at yet I never write about it.  So to rectify that I have attached an ebook.  Its nothing special, this information is out there, but it does bring a lot together for those interested.

I did a talk last year on this topic and have some of the rough notes I used.  Below is 40 page ebook on the lecture.

The majority of the graphs are my copyright from 3D kinematic data we collected on a study 6 years ago looking at the influence of static stretching on pelvis and thorax kinematics during the swing.  Please feel free to use my pictures however you see fit.

The ebook is a simple overview of how the spine moves during the swing.  It also reviews the academic literature on what kinematic variables of the swing are related to performance and what individual golfer variables are related to performance.  Last, I touch on injury but this is a murky area and I mostly avoid it.  We don’t have a lot of good research on injury mechanism (like most areas) so feel free to make up whatever you like like everyone else does. :)

Here it is:  golf biomechanics ebook compressed

A related link is at the (Titleist Performance Institute) website.  This is one of the best golf biomechanics/fitness websites around.  They have a huge amount of free information and its mostly very good - especially their biomechanics.

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  1. [...] sports we flex our spines and that flexion creates movement and is necessary.  Take a look at my golf mechanics e-book.  You will see in the kinematics graphs that trunk flexion is one of the first movements to [...]

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