  • Archives for July 2012 (3)

The “truth” about sports drinks - two sides to every story should be heard

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Published on: July 26, 2020

A recent article in BMJ by Deb Cohen entitled “The truth about sports drinks” got a lot of people very excited, me included.  The article seemed well written to me but I don’t know enough in this area to be legitimately critical.  And that was the problem with the article.  Most of us know relatively nothing about an area but read a seemingly good article in a well respected big medical journal and its easy to take everything at face value when perhaps it shouldn’t be.   Fortunately others know better about sport drinks and have started to write rebuttals.  Of course, these rebuttals or counterpoints should have been included alongside the original piece - that lets us be the informed consumer of science.  There are two sides to everything in this grey, gray, not black, not white world of body science.  Below is the original article and some responses from the involved and often maligned parties.

Deb Cohens initial piece ” The truth about Sports Drinks”

Dr. Stu Phillips from McMaster University initial response here

Dr. Michael Sawka interesting response here

The relationship between functional tests and athletic performance: Part I - The single leg balance test.

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Published on: July 26, 2020

Background: Testing and assessing an individual is popular.  There is an old saying that if you aren’t assessing than you are guessing.  The assumption here is that the tests and assessments you do are somehow relevant and meaningful yet I would suggest that the majority of tests and the information gleaned from them hardly change (10% ish) a therapeutic approach once you have heard your patients history. I can have a patient with knee pain and run them through 30 different tests and the results of those tests may hardly change my treatment.  Tests have to provide us meaningful information that we can do something with. (more…)

Structure is not Destiny - please don’t rush to freaking out about your x-ray, MRI or ultrasound

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Published on: July 22, 2020

Audience: Patients

Purpose: To highlight the poor link between the bogeymen found on imaging with pain or dysfunction.

Our current technology is amazing when it comes to viewing the insides of our body.  The problem with this fantastic technology is that we can see something (e.g. a tear in a muscle or a joint with some osteoarthritis) and assume that there is something wrong or that this is the source of our pain.  However, the link between tissue “abnormalities” on MRI, x-ray or Ultrasound is often quite poor.  Many, if not most, people have “bad stuff” on their MRIs or x-rays yet have no pain. (more…)

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