Archives: March 2012

Are you sure your hip flexors are tight? If so, why and who cares?

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Published on: March 31, 2020

Update: I am not the first to write about this area.  I found a great post by Todd Hargrove tackling the same topic and saying much the same (he does it more succintly and I address a few other areas as well).  His post is here:

The Tight Hip Flexor Bogeyman

We too often tell patients that their pain, dysfunction or poor performance on any movement is due to the great bogeyman of hip function - TIGHT HIP FLEXORS.  It is quite a go-to explanation for all things bad.  Where this idea started I don’t know but it is certainly propagated by the Lower Crossed Syndrome Theory.  This theory contends that dysfunction occurs when your pelvis is tilted forward as a result of tight hip flexors, weak glutes, tight low back muscles and weak abs.  At its heart, this theory assumes the body works like a puppet where we can tension and loosen our strings (aka muscles) and watch our pelvis dance into some assumed nasty or happy position. (more…)

Hamstring Tendinopathy: Sample Rehabilitation Program Videos

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Published on: March 18, 2020

Audience: Therapists and Patients

Purpose: This post is video overview of the sample exercise progression I might advocate for patients (primarily runners) who present with persistent longstanding high hamstring pain.


Runners, particularly faster runners, will often present with high hamstring tendon pain.  The pain is typically felt where the muscles insert into the bottom bone of the hip (the ischial tuberosity).  In addition to the hamstrings the adductor magnus can often be involved.


Spine exercise video series

Categories: Uncategorized, Videos
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Published on: March 18, 2020

Below are a number of exercises that are typically called stability exercises.  While this might be true they are really movements to me.  These movements can make you stronger, can calm down your pissed off nervous system and can increase your capacity to withstand stress.  We typically say that they increase your stability but I think it is more complicated.  They are many reasons to do these exercises and if you are unsure please ask.  The body is smarter than we are.  If our spine could talk I bet it would be pretty condescending discussing how we try to explain its function.


Runner Strength: Basic Exercise Videos for runners

Categories: Running Injury, Videos
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Published on: March 17, 2020

Audience: Patients

Purpose: Exercise videos for patients wishing to train their trunk and hips


This article is just a video series for runners to do some basic strength work.  Stop worrying about the core.  Just get strong during all movements.  We try to build capacity to withstand load.  We might also improve running efficiency with strength work.  There could probably be thirty different exercises below.  This is not a program just a few suggestions for what can be easily done.  You will notice that there are no exercises that are specifically “core” exercises.  I am of the opinion that this is over rated for running and that any benefits to training the core can be gleaned from the appropriate choice of compound exercises. (more…)

Running Injury Prevention: A brief review of what we know…and more of what we don’t

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Published on: March 17, 2020

Audience: Runners and Therapists

Purpose: A quick guide to running injury prevention.

Injury prevention for runners is not rock-solidly founded in science… and may not even be possible.  With runners it is more injury management.  You are going to get injured and  you are going to have some aches and pains.  The ideal is to minimize your lost training time and avoid some of the nasty injuries that can jeopardize your long term running and goals. (more…)

Stop foam rolling your IT Band. It can not lengthen and it is NOT tight.

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Published on: March 17, 2020

Audience: Patients and therapists

Purpose: A brief argument on why attempting to lengthen your IT Band with stretching or foam rolling is a waste of time and not possible.

I am in the minority when I cringe at the rampant unjustified use of the ubiquitous, seemingly harmless but actually evil foam roller for IT Bands.  I’ve seen their use climb in the past 5 years and I am sure that my success rate at convincing my patients to not roll the crap out of their IT Bands is less than 10%.  Those rollers are WINNING.  Perhaps this post will sway the voters. (more…)

Stretching Muscle: A brief summary on what it does.

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Published on: March 17, 2020

Rapid Fire Overview

Most of the ideas are from the work of Magnusson.  I have been preaching this research for 15 years and was basically motivated because of self intentions.  My flexibility is poor and I never thought that stretching the spine made any sense for low back pain prevention.  I went out looking for some support and Magusson (1996) was the king in this area. A recent review is here (its free) He also has great research questioning the utility of eccentric loading protocols for tendinopathy as he prefers heavy resistance training (click  here).  I have a quick post here inspired by his work related to high hamstring tendon pain.


Why do people feel stiff? Are your muscles really tight?

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Published on: March 17, 2020

This article is purely conjecture. I have no hard data and would not even know how to create a study to test for it.  BUT, I consider it biological plausible.

Tightness is a common sensation for people with pain and for athletes during training.  However, when someone reports being tight in a region I find that they rarely are.  Their range of motion will be wonderful, perceptually their tissue will feel “loose” upon palpation (warning: highly subjective on my part) yet they report tightness. Main point being there are no objective signs of tightness or limits in their range of motion.  So why does the perception of tightness occur? (more…)

Basic Shoulder Movement Videos

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Published on: March 17, 2020

Audience: Patients

Purpose: Exercise videos for those doing shoulder rehabilitation


The same exercises or movements can be used with different intentions and to achieve a different goal.  Some possible intentions being:

1. Motion is Lotion - we are moving your shoulder in a manner just to calm down nerves, decrease pain and get that pissed off shoulder happy with moving again.  The amount of weight or resistance is not that important

2. Stress loading - for whatever reason we want to stress your shoulder and shoulder girdle musculature.  You might have some weakness (e.g. prolonged immobility, post surgical) or we wish to increase the capacity of your joint and muscles to withstand load.  Appropriate weight selection, speed of movement and technique is important

3. Motor control - certainly there is some overlap with the previous two intentions mentioned.  But with this intention we might look at trying to change how your muscles work together.  An example, is training both the internal and external rotator cuff during alternating movements.  We are trying to get the cuff to pull the humeral head away from the scapula or just get the muscles happy working together again.  Load or stress is important but so is learning the movement.


Nerve Slider Videos: Calming down that irritated nervous system

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Published on: March 5, 2020

Audience: Patients

Purpose: Demonstrate simple movements to calm, move and make healthy some irritated nerves.
Disclaimer: Not to be done if painful. Do 5-6 to start. Always under health professional guidance.


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