Patellofemoral pain syndrome exercise sheet

Attached is a basic exercise protocol as part of a large physiotherapy regime I might use for someone with some lower extremity dysfunction.  Many of these exercises would be used for non specific knee pain (PFPS, ITB syndrome).  The nordic hamstring exercise could be skipped but should certainly be used for anyone with posterior chain weakness/dysfunction.  I use that ol’ nebulous word ‘dysfunction’ when something is wrong (e.g. pain) but I’m not willing to commit to some BS therapist jargon about the cause of the problem.  You could put in the same room 5 great therapists (physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, sport med docs) who could all get someone better but they would each explain the problem completely different and often contradict each other.  So, I use the general word dysfunction.

Attached is a two page pdf for primarily knee problems that might have a proximal component.

Does everyone love my beautiful fitness model.  I spend way too much time with her.

Click below for a pdf version of the exercise sheet.

hip and knee dysfunction two day program for le dysfunction


Greg Lehman, Physiotherapist & Chiropractor

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